Friday, April 16, 2010

The Nature of Human LOL?

It's weird, I thought when one ignored your msg, you tell him off and he will most probably stop it. It seems not to be the case here. Had an appointment with you for breakfast? Even though I had eaten but since it's a promise I thought I should just accompany you for breakfast. Since I supposed you're still asleep so I left you with a msg, you ignored my msg as usual (I mean sometimes you do), and later in the afternoon msg me saying I should have called you?

Hmm is it really so hard to reply a sms? You're not the only one. I have got friends who are just like you. Those who ignore smses, those who never turn up for appointments or meetings and still don think that they are wrong (I mean though they verbally admit they are wrong but they never change).

Doesnt that sounds wrong to everyone? Hmm am I too petty or is it just normal? LOL! If it's wrong or irresponsible, why then, people still do it despite knowing the facts. What an irony.

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